Appendix D



Sent: 20 December 2024 18:41
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Object for premises license at Hove Kingsway bowling


Dear Sirs


I am the owner of REDACTED


I would like to object to the request to play live music, performances of dance and sell alcohol up to 01.00am every night and Sunday up to 11.00pm. 


Selling alcohol up to 01.00pm is very late and could attract members of the public to engage in intimidating groups, unsafe drinking, unacceptable behaviour and recreational drug abuse after the closing hours. This would damage the reputation of a safe neighbourhood. 


There is no purpose or benefit to the community to play music and sell alcohol up to this time. 


The excessive noise of the music, public and traffic will be harmful to residents. Especially when the premises doors are open and customers spill outside. The increase in traffic fumes will pollute the environment and the banging of car doors could wake children and the elderly. The disturbances are likely to impact the mental health of the neighbourhood. Selling alcohol up to this time every night will encourage anti-social behaviour and disturb the peace. The increase of customers to the premises will attract more vehicles in an over-populated area. 


Please take my views into consideration. 


Thank you











Sent: 20 December 2024 17:29

To: Emily Fountain < REDACTED >

Subject: Hove Bowling Club Application


Dear Ms Fountain


Planning Application; BH 2022/02830


I am writing to object to the above application made by Hove Bowling Club.


The application goes far beyond that negotiated by REDACTED and the extraordinary hours requested by them for outside drinks and entertainment is far too late.


Outside entertainment and off premises alcohol sales will be a great disturbance to the local residents, especially to those who live REDACTED their club.

We are not willing to accept these planning details, due to the possible noise and excess movement of people in and around the club and area in general.


The area off the beach is residential and to have two clubs literally on top of each other offering drinks and entertainment is totally unacceptable and should not be allowed to be licensed in this way.


I hope you will look at this representation in a positive way and not allow HBC to receive the license they have requested.

If a license is going to be given, it needs to be watered down considerably from what they are requesting.


Thank you

Kind regards













Sent: 30 December 2024 15:25
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Objection to Licence number 2024/05661/LAPRCN


 I am writing to you to make formal representation against a licence application.


Licence application number 2024/05661/LAPRCN and/or 1445/3/2024/05661/LAPRCN

Trading name – Hove And Kingsway Bowls Clubhouse
Outdoor Sports Hub


My name is REDACTED

My address is


Which is REDACTED proposed licenced premises.


I object to the granting of a licence to the Hove Bowls Club for the following reasons and make representation accordingly.


My Concerns

  1. The licence application hours request is in direct contravention of the planning permission granted for the new bowls club.
    1. The Planning permission, Application No: BH2022/02830, granted in December 2022 was for an Outdoor Sports Hub building (including Bowls Club (Class Use F2).
    2. Section 31 of the permission states: The Outdoor Sports Hub premises hereby permitted shall not be in use by customers except between the hours of 08:00 and 00:00 on Mondays to Sundays, including Bank or Public Holidays. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and to comply with policies DM20 and DM40 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2

One would expect the licence applicant to be aware of this restriction and to abide by it. The blatant disregard for this restriction does not bode well.


  1. The recent successful licence application by REDACTED should serve as a precedent to what I and other local residents consider fair and which have been negotiated in good faith with REDACTED.

As a resident who will be directly affected by the doubling of noise and alcohol venues with there now being two licenced premises REDACTED instead of the 1 which was in place heretofore, I would have expected the Bowls Club to take these conditions into account. Again the fact that they are riding roughshod over this precedent does not bode well.


  1. Over the past few years, we have had to make complaints (REDACTED of BHCC) regarding the volume of outside, live music performed at the Bowls Club. The Bowls club took no action as a result of repeated phone calls with reasonable requests to turn the noise down or after repeated intervention by REDACTED. This application demonstrates yet again the disregard the Bowls Club has for the peaceful enjoyment of the environment by their neighbours. This yet again does not bode well.
    1. The addition of a further live/recorded music venue until midnight is just going to add to the cacophony of noise especially if it is different music being played by REDACTED and under less strict conditions. We already hear REDACTED music late into the night and that is further away. Historically the Bowls Club have played outside live music at an intolerable volume pretty much every Sunday in the summer.
    2. The hours proposed are too long and contravene the building’s planning permission.

                                          i.    Live and recorded music until 01:00 every working day is unacceptable especially as the application is for on and off premises.

                                        ii.    Live and recorded music on and off premises every Sunday until 23:00 is completely unacceptable in a residential neighbourhood.

                                       iii.    There are several families in this building with children who cannot be made to suffer this noise until late at night, 365 days a year.

    1. Given the building’s construction there is no off-premise space available for outside bands, recorded music and dancing so where does the Bowls Club intend on holding these events? My understanding was they would need to use REDACTED terraces and be governed by their licence, but perhaps they are intending on using other areas or just making it up as they go along?
    2. Historically and to this day the Bowls Club have proved they do not respect their neighbours’ right to quietly enjoy their residences. For example the access road next to the new building was to be exclusively for deliveries yet it has now turned into a parking lot for the Bowls Club at weekends, obstructing pedestrian access to the new walkways along the seafront.
    3. The Bowls Club have been holding dance and social events in their bar during December and one wonders if they had a licence to do so given their previous temporary event licences had expired.


  1. I would expect that the councillors making a determination on this licence would similarly object to the granting of such as excessive licence in their residential neighbourhoods, especially to an entity which has proven not to respect the rights of its neighbours and which is making an application with blatant disregard to the planning permission granted. At a minimum this application calls for more intense scrutiny and conditions than applicants such as REDACTED, which have demonstrated clear consideration for their neighbours at their existing premises at REDACTED and in their approach to reaching a reasonable compromise in Hove. The Bowls Club have no such credibility.






I can be contacted on REDACTED




Sent: 30 December 2024 16:40
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Objection to licence 1445/3/2024/05661/LAPRCN

 Dear Licencing Authority,


I wish to object to the below licence application.


Licence application number 1445/3/2024/05661/LAPRCN

Trading name – Hove and Kingsway Bowls Clubhouse
Outdoor Sports Hub


My name is REDACTED

My address is



My Concerns are as a property owner and resident of 18 years at the above property and as the person responsible for maintaining the grounds and gardens over the last 12 years.

I have great concerns regarding the noise, security, public urination and light pollution arising from this application.


  1. Noise - After living REDACTED the original bowls club for 18 years the incidents of outdoor rock bands and live music every weekend encroached severely on my right to peaceful enjoyment of my property. The noise meant either leaving to go out to get away from the noise or having all the windows and balcony doors closed on a lovely summer's afternoon/evening or putting up with it. The plans to have outdoor live and canned music until well after midnight, whether it be a Bowls Club event or a private party event is not acceptable in a residential neighbourhood 365 days per year.

The Bowls Club thought nothing of pointing their speakers right at our building so the noise could reverberate around the whole building all weekend. Despite complaints they did nothing to modify their behaviour to give some relief to those who have to get up early for work the next day or who have children or those who just want to peacefully enjoy their indoor and outdoor spaces.

This has been a feature of the Bowls Club for years not just during Covid.

We have already come to an agreement with REDACTED regarding their use of  outside music so this should apply to the Bowls Club as well.


  1. Security - When dealing with a group of intoxicated people congregating outside REDACTED who had just exited the Bowls Club, I received a load to abuse and threats, when I simply asked them to move away from the REDACTED. There have been several such incidents where I have been involved personally. I am concerned that the new premises which will be selling alcohol all day and night 365 days a year will make this problem worse and frankly I'm tired of feeling I have to personally challenge these individuals and groups. 


  1. Public Urination - On several occasions while sitting on REDACTED and during daylight hours and evenings, I have witnessed people crossing the lawn to urinate out of site in REDACTED hedges. I have challenged this but again received nothing but abuse. I also think it is unhygienic for me and other garden workers to have to work in other people’s toilet because they can't be bothered to find a public facility. The proposed premises will make this worse with the extended opening hours selling alcohol and once closed these people who have been turfed out, will likely head to the nearest garden i.e. REDACTED, if they are heading home on public transport or crossing the road waiting for a taxi. The licensee cannot control the behaviour of their customers admittedly, but that does not alleviate my concerns.



  1. Light Pollution - Considering the building is 3x the size of the original design as presented to the public at the King Alfred 2 years ago and has bigger outdoor spaces, the external and internal lighting will be significant. The presence of street lighting around the building are likely to be on 365 24/7. REDACTED will be severely impacted by the light pollution. When REDACTED were constructing the building they had to be asked several times by me to turn their interior lights off at night so I was not REDACTED. The original bowls club lights were very bright and often left on all night for weeks on end and the presence of more permanent lighting will just make this worse.









Sent: 02 January 2025 09:22
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: RE: Objection to Licence number 2024/05661/LAPRCN
Importance: High


 Dear Sir/Madam


I am writing to you to make formal representation against a licence application.


Licence application number 2024/05661/LAPRCN and/or 1445/3/2024/05661/LAPRCN

Trading name – Hove And Kingsway Bowls Clubhouse
Outdoor Sports Hub


My name is REDACTED

My address is


Which is REDACTED the proposed licenced premises.


I object to the granting of a licence to the Hove Bowls Club for the following reasons and make representation accordingly.


My Concerns

  1. The licence application hours request is in direct contravention of the planning permission granted for the new bowls club.
    1. The Planning permission, Application No: BH2022/02830, granted in December 2022 was for an Outdoor Sports Hub building (including Bowls Club (Class Use F2).
    2. Section 31 of the permission states: The Outdoor Sports Hub premises hereby permitted shall not be in use by customers except between the hours of 08:00 and 00:00 on Mondays to Sundays, including Bank or Public Holidays. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and to comply with policies DM20 and DM40 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2

One would expect the licence applicant to be aware of this restriction and to abide by it. The disregard of this restriction is not acceptable.


  1. The recent successful licence application by REDACTED should serve as a precedent to what I and other local residents consider fair and which have been negotiated in good faith with REDACTED.

As a resident who will be directly affected by the doubling of noise and alcohol venues with there now being two licenced premises REDACTED instead of the 1 which was in place heretofore, I would have expected the Bowls Club to take these conditions into account. They are ignoring this precedent which is not acceptable.


  1. Over the past few years, we have had to make complaints (REDACTED of BHCC) regarding the volume of outside, live music performed at the Bowls Club. The Bowls club took no action as a result of repeated phone calls with reasonable requests to turn the noise down or after repeated intervention by REDACTED. This application demonstrates yet again the disregard the Bowls Club has for the peaceful enjoyment of the environment by their neighbours. This is not acceptable.
    1. The addition of a further live/recorded music venue until midnight is just going to add to the cacophony of noise especially if it is different music being played by the REDACTED and under less strict conditions. We already hear REDACTED music late into the night and that is further away. Historically the Bowls Club have played outside live music at an intolerable volume pretty much every Sunday in the summer.
    2. The hours proposed are too long and contravene the building’s planning permission.

                                          i.    Live and recorded music until 01:00 every working day is unacceptable especially as the application is for on and off premises.

                                        ii.    Live and recorded music on and off premises every Sunday until 23:00 is completely unacceptable in a residential neighbourhood.

                                       iii.    There are several families in this building with children who cannot be made to suffer this noise until late at night, 365 days a year.

    1. Given the building’s construction there is no off-premise space available for outside bands, recorded music and dancing so where does the Bowls Club intend on holding these events? My understanding was they would need to use REDACTED terraces and be governed by their licence, but perhaps they are intending on using other areas or just making it up as they go along?
    2. Historically and to this day the Bowls Club have proved they do not respect their neighbours’ right to quietly enjoy their residences. For example the access road next to the new building was to be exclusively for deliveries yet it has now turned into a parking lot for the Bowls Club at weekends, obstructing pedestrian access to the new walkways along the seafront.
    3. The Bowls Club have been holding dance and social events in their bar during December and one wonders if they had a licence to do so given their previous temporary event licences had expired.


  1. I would expect that the councillors making a determination on this licence would similarly object to the granting of such as excessive licence in their residential neighbourhoods, especially to an entity which has proven not to respect the rights of its neighbours and which is making an application with blatant disregard to the planning permission granted. At a minimum this application calls for more intense scrutiny and conditions than applicants such as REDACTED, which have demonstrated clear consideration for REDACTED and in their approach to reaching a reasonable compromise in Hove.






Telephone: REDACTED





Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 at 09:14
Subject: Hove & Kingsway Bowls Club Music License Application
To: <>


Hi Licensing Team, 


I am writing to object to the application for the music license on the following basis.  


Previous complaints about the noise and compliance of the Bowls Club to their music levels licensing conditions have been made about events on the 15 April 2023 and 23 July 2023 and were raised to the Council's Environmental Protection and Licensing Teams.  The complaints were serious in nature and consideration was given to engaging Councillors and lawyers to assist.


The Bowls Club has previously made no allowances to ensure that neighbours can enjoy the peace and quiet of their residential addresses and have not adequately addressed concerns raised to staff during events.   


I am therefore concerned about the application on the following grounds: 


1) The length of time Monday - Saturday 1100 - 01:00 is too late.  The timing should be reduced to 22:00 at the latest, taking into account that this is primarily a residential area. 


2) The length of time on Sunday's 11:00 - 23:00 is too long and should be reduced to, for example, 20:00.  


3) The licensing times should be no greater than other premises in the area, namely REDACTED.


4) Consideration should be given to neighbours wishing to have peace and quiet at the weekends and a long licence on both days does not protect against this. 


5) The new facilities offers an opportunity for the Bowls Club to have events inside their new Club room, there is no need for an off-premise license to be granted, which is the main issue related to noise.  Other premises, including REDACTED, hold events successfully and within their premises.


6) The Bowls Club has a full roster of events during the Spring/ Summer months giving residents little reprieve from the music levels.  A maximum limit of the number of events held should be considered. 


7) REDACTED  is a new building, well insulated with triple glazing and yet noise levels at times are been intolerable.  The new position of the building is closer to older buildings which are unlikely to be as sound proofed and therefore residents will be more sensitive to noise.


Kind Regards





Additional Information received 03/01/2025


Sent: 03 January 2025 17:23
To: EHL Licensing <>; REDACTED < REDACTED >
Subject: Re: Hove & Kingsway Bowls Club Music License Application


Hi EHL Licensing. 


I would also like to make the following points for consideration by the Licensing panel.


As part of the redevelopment of Kingsway, the REDACTED are aware that it is likely that REDACTED and REDACTED will apply for alcohol and music licenses in due course.  The extent of the application (times and hours) for the Bowls Club application are therefore objected to on the basis that the number of venues in the locality will increase from one REDACTED to four (REDACTED, REDACTED, Bowls Club and REDACTED) over the next year.   As such the licensing application must be managed in line with these other nearby venues.  It is requested that due consideration is given to keeping the sports areas primarily as sports facilities and not instead to allow them to become alcohol and music venues and that these activities are contained in the seafront facing venues  rather than in premises that face residential buildings. 


Consideration must be given to limiting the number of people returning from these venues late at night via neighbouring streets following alcohol consumption and potential disruption as they pass by, numbers of which will surge following the end of events. 


Kind Regards





Sent: 06 January 2025 10:09
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Re: Hove and Kingsway Bowling Club


Subject: Hove and Kingsway Bowling Club

Re: Application for Grant of a Premises Licence

I would like to raise concerns about the proposed licensing hours of the Bowls Clubhouse and, specifically, object to a 1am closing time Monday- Sat and 11pm on Sunday.

Given that this club is situated in a residential area with many residents living in apartment blocks and houses nearby, I believe that a closing time during Monday-Sat of midnight and 10pm on Sunday is far more environmentally friendly and reasonable given the attendant noise from music, lights and people leaving the site into the early hours of the morning getting into cars, taxis etc. When people have had a drink or two the volume of ‘goodbyes’ is always raised!

Residents REDACTED and nearby will be most affected with these very late night noise disturbances which may impact their sleep and ability to be up early the next day for work.

These same residents are already subjected to regular late night weekend music events at REDACTED; however these finish at midnight which, in my opinion, is reasonable.









-----Original Message-----
Sent: 04 January 2025 12:34
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Late licence application Hove and Kingsway Bowling Club


Re: Application for Grant of a Premises Licence


The proposed time are

11:00-01:00 Hrs Mon-Sat

11:00-23:00 Hrs Sun


I would like to raise concerns about the proposed licensing hours of the Bowls Clubhouse and object to a 1am closing time Monday- Thursday.


As the club is situated in a residential area I believe that a closing time  Monday-Thursday of midnight is far more reasonable given the noise from music, lights and people leaving the site into the early hours of the morning.


Any residents leaving nearby will be impacted by this level of noise when most of them will be working the next day.







Representation to Licensing Application.


Name & address of premises subject to application.


          re Application 1445/3/2024/05661/LAPRCN



           Hove & Kingsway Bowling Club,

           Outdoor Sports Hub,


           Hove.    BN3 4GP


My name and address. (Residence).




The Prevention of Crime and Disorder.

The likelihood of public disorder in this entirely residential stretch of Kingsway will be increased  if the extension of the existing hours granted Application No. BH2022/02830. which are adequate in the locality.

(Previously the Bowls Club premises were not open every day and when opened were invariably closed by 21.30 and the members tended to be of the older persons of the community).

The later the availability of alcohol and entertainment, the more likely there will be drunkeness and rowdy behaviour and vandalism on the bowling greens and the newly planted area, around the premises and also on the pavements of Kingsway including the car parking lane.


Public Safety.

Disorderly behaviour is increased later in the evening as can be experienced in Brighton where despite Registered Security Guards, there is frequently aggressive uncontrolled behaviour which threatens public safety particularly to women and minority social groups.


The Prevention of Public Nuisance.

Residents of REDACTED have a problem with male passers by urinating on our property and there is REDACTED of the apartments on REDACTED which are vulnerable REDACTED.

Noise late at night, slamming of car doors and the revving of engines is anticipated.

There is a residents car park to the rear which is misused by non-residents and their guests.

It is likely that Bowls Club members using the facilities of the Sports Hub will  be undistinguishable from non members and signing in of members will be totally ineffective.

The result will be that the granted licensing hours will be extended by subterfuge.


The Protection of Children from Harm.


It would be unlikely that unaccompanied or accompanied children would be around the premises at the extended hours of the application at a venue of this kind.


Signed        REDACTED                                                           7th January 2025                               


Name           REDACTED






Additional Document signed by 12 residents 2 of which made representation in their own right REP B and REP I.

Sent: 07 January 2025 16:33
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Representation for Licence 2024/05661/LAPRCN


Hello, (copy to the Chairman of REDACTED)


Re the licence application by the Hove Bowls Club under number 2024/05661/LAPRCN


I am writing to you as a director of the freehold company which owns the apartment building known as REDACTED.

The freehold is owned by REDACTED Limited a company registered in England under company number REDCATED

The registered address of REDACTED


All of the shareholders in REDACTED own an apartment under leasehold, in the REDACTED building which is located REDACTED the Hove Bowls Club.


The attached document shows the flat numbers and signatures of 12 shareholders/leaseholders and the text of the representations that the freeholder has been asked to make on their behalf to the Licencing Authority as an objection to the above licence application.

Please note that some or all of the signatories may have also made a personal representation but the subject of this representation is specifically the text below.


My name as a director of REDCATED is REDACTED and I can confirm that the residents listed are genuine leaseholders within the building. I also confirm that I have made a separate personal representation as part of the licence application by the Hove Bowls Club.


The text of the representation I, in the capacity of a director of the freehold company am making on behalf of the residents who have signed this petition, is attached but reproduced here for convenience:


To  EHL Licensing -

Licensing Application - 1445/3/2024/05661/LAPRCN

Hove & Kingsway Bowling Club, Outdoor Sports Hub, Kingsway BN3 4GP

I am a resident of REDACTED and would like the following comments to be taken into account when considering the above licence application.

The application is for premises with planning permission to operate as a local community facility (Class F2) in a residential area and any licence granted should respect this.

The Planning permission, Application No: BH2022/02830, granted in December 2022 states, in Section 27, that ‘The Outdoor Sports Hub premises shall be used as a café/restaurant and local community facilities (Use Class E(b) and Class F.2) only and for no other purpose’.  
Section 31 of the permission states: The Outdoor Sports Hub premises hereby permitted shall not be in use by customers except between the hours of 08:00 and 00:00 on Mondays to Sundays, including Bank or Public Holidays. Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the locality and to comply with policies DM20 and DM40 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2.  

The following limitations and conditions are suggested as suitable and appropriate.
l The application includes operating hours until 01.00 from Monday to Saturday which is outside that granted by the planning permission. Permission to operate after 00.00 should therefore not be granted.
l Sale of alcohol should be limited to Club Members and their guests who have been ‘signed in’.
l Patrons should not be permitted to carry drinking vessels outside after 23.00.
l Music, both live and recorded, should only be played inside the building, there should be no speakers in any outside area.
l Music should not be audible at any nearby residential building after 22.00.


If any further information is required please let me know.


Yours faithfully,





Sent: 09 January 2025 00:22
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: ++Hove & Kingsway Bowling Club (‘the bowling club’) licence application


 I am writing to object to the licence application which the bowling club has submitted and which seeks to permit live music and entertainment alongside the sale and supply of alcohol (on and off premises) until 1am six nights a week in a residential area. I own a flat in the REDACTED at REDACTED which looks out over Kingsway and the new Hove Beach Park.


Previous events at the bowling club have resulted in serious complaints from local residents about the noise (in particular the music levels) which have been raised to the Council’s Environmental Protection and Licensing Teams. No allowances have been made to take account of the proximity of their neighbours and concerns raised to the bowling club staff during such events have not been satisfactorily addressed. Specifically:

- the music levels have been too loud

- the music continues too often too late into the night

- the sale of alcohol into the early hours compounds the noise and impact on local residents

- customers dispersing after events (and resultant noise from cars, taxis etc) extends the disturbance 

None of the above is appropriate in a residential area where neighbours need to be up early the following mornings to work. And how can the sale of alcohol off premises be appropriate in such an area? The playing of music and the sale of alcohol should not be permitted past 10pm and the number of events carefully limited.


It is unclear how the bowling club’s licence application sits alongside the licence recently granted to REDACTED  within the new sporting hub.  Are both organisations not operating within the same building? Whether within the same premises or adjacent, the requirements relating to the prevention of public nuisance as regards local residents must apply equally. In particular the conditions contained in Annex 2 (conditions consistent with the operating schedule) of the licence granted to REDACTED must apply equally to the operation of the bowling club including but not limited to

- all outside speakers facing south (towards the sea) and being turned off at 10pm

- no amplified live music to be played outside of the venue

- outside seating closing at 10pm

- outside lighting not to cause a light nuisance and to be switched off at 10pm

The new Hove Beach Park should be focused on the provision of local sports facilities and not on alcohol and music venues to the detriment of local residents. Activities focused on alcohol and music should be contained in the seafront facing venues and not in premises that face onto residential buildings.

